Video privacy and security insights
Sector specific articles on industry best practices.
Up-to-date video privacy and security concerns, including AI, facial recognition, video surveillance and more - and the best ways to approach them.
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Consumers are reaching a “tipping point”: personal data management is a priority - laws and company practices should reflect that
Data privacy and cyber security is not just about necessity anymore, it is about maintaining a trustworthy reputation with consumers.
Consumers are moving to services that protect their data and privacy
As part of a 5 part series, these articles will explore consumer attitudes towards data privacy. First up: People are realising the benefits of “invisible” methods of authentication for data security.
Digital Healthcare: overcoming privacy and security challenges in a post-pandemic era
All health footage needs to be protected for patient privacy and confidentiality, to prioritise security of sensitive health data, and provide uninterrupted, quality health care.
Automated video redaction
What to think about when automating face and number plate recognition in video.
Unleashing the value of retail video data
Why protecting personal privacy is key to big business.
You’re a retailer with the big three: video surveillance, video analytics and GDPR to comply with. How can retailers responsibly manage all this video data, and use it to its full potential?
We asked 500 retailers what they do, and here’s the answer.