Blur video with automated multimedia redaction software

Secure Redact automatically detects over 99% of all PII in recorded and live video for redaction

Pixelate videos online

Secure Redact is a world-leading multimedia redaction software for blurring personal and sensitive data in security video. It is accessible via SaaS or can be integrated into existing systems and workflows via APIs or customer cloud.

From CCTV, body-worn camera, dashcam and more - redact all kinds of footage with Secure Redact. Automated video redaction software allows you to protect personal data for DSARs, FOIAs, incident reports and sharing - or to enable security and operational teams to use live video feeds for video alerts, video analytics or wider data access.

7 simple steps to blur a video online with Secure Redact

Blur any video online quickly and easily with Secure Redact. Simply upload > review > edit > redact and download.

Upload a video

Secure Redact will automatically detect all faces, license plates and other personal data, and display the video with the redaction boxes in the Secure Redact video editor.

Review the video

Watch through your video to make sure that all the PII you need to redact has an orange redaction box overlaid in each frame.

Build an entity with INSPECTOR

The Inspector feature helps you focus on one individual: making sure they are redacted in every video frame and linking similar-looking tracks together to build an entity filled with tracks relating to the same individual.

Fill in the gaps with TRACKER

Are there sections within your entity where the individual isn’t tracked for redaction? Automate editing with Tracker.

Unredact a specific individual

To unredact that individual and keep everyone else blurred in the video, simply untick the entity.

Preview the blurred video

You can then preview what the blurred video will look like: go to settings and click Smooth or Pixelated Blur, or Black Box redaction. 

Redact and download your blurred video

Once you’ve finished editing, automatically redact all PII in your video and download your blurred video, ready for sharing.

Benefits of our multimedia redaction software for blurring video

Up to 280x faster than a traditional online video editor

Complete redaction of all PII with the user choosing to unredact individuals by simply un-ticking a box, keeping everyone else in the video blurred. 

Over 99% of PII automatically identified for redaction

Secure Redact has world-leading accuracy rates for video redaction because it is trained around a frame-by-frame rate.

Don’t pay overtime fees

Across Law enforcement, Secure Redact’s automated video redaction software speeds up operational efficiency and frees up valuable time to tend to other projects.

Why use Secure Redact?

Already integrated with key DEMS and VMS platforms

We are partners with Microsoft, NICE, Fotoware and MView and other VMS platforms. Contact us to find out more.

World-leading automated video and audio redaction with over 99% accuracy

Choose to keep one (or more) individuals visible and redact all other personal data with pixelated blur or black box options.

Significantly reduces manual work, costs and resources

Secure Redact works at unrivalled speed to allow Information Access and ROA teams to fulfil all redaction needs within their constricted time-frames.


Is Secure Redact GDPR compliant?

Across all areas of the business, Secure Redact follows UK and EU GDPR compliance. We work with a specialist security partner to undergo regular audits and penetration testing via a grey-box approach. For more information, please contact us.

How does Secure Redact add blur to a video?

The Secure Redact technology adds blur to a video by recognising the identifiers (faces, heads and vehicle registration plates) as a human observer would, so it can redact and anonymise PII automatically.

Find out more about how our solution works from our Head of Machine Learning, here.

Why should I choose Secure Redact SaaS?

Deploying any video redaction solution has to suit your company’s needs. We have options for cloud SaaS, APIs or private cloud - find out more about the benefits of a SaaS video redaction solution here.

Who already uses the Secure Redact solution in my sector?

We have a variety of customers across numerous sectors, including retail, healthcare, transport, UK law enforcement, US law enforcement and beyond.

Can videos processed by Secure Redact be unblurred?

Videos CANNOT be unblurred when processed with Secure Redact.

The process of redaction alters the original pixel data within an image. The information in the redacted regions has been destroyed. The original pixel data cannot be retrieved from the redacted version. For videos, this process is applied on every frame to generate a redacted video. The redaction algorithm used is unique to Secure Redact and is dependant on the input image data and random injection to ensure it can't be reversed.

Find out what our customers have to say about our platform.

Sign up today! Redact up to 20 minutes of video every month on the Basic Tier, no credit card required.