CCTV Data subject access requests
First time with a DSAR or do you receive regular DSARs on a monthly basis?
CCTV based subject access requests for GDPR and other data protection legislation have strict deadlines and require a high standard for the anonymisation of personal data. It’s not feasible to manage these requests manually within the required time-frame - at any scale.
An incident in the workplace, with only one person who needs to be made visible.
A customer-staff altercation where personal data has to be kept safe.
An incident in a school, where children’s data is considered more sensitive under GDPR.
An accident on the road, or on public transport, involving personal data in the form of faces and license plates.
Secure Redact is 280x faster than video editing solutions. Save time, improve efficiency, stay compliant.
Redacting a 30 min CCTV video for a DSAR or FOIA request
Using Secure Redact:
10 mins to anonymise and review 30 mins of CCTV
Using video editing software:
12-17 days to anonymise using leading video editing software
Secure Redact identifies over 99% of PII in video automatically
circa 2M - 3M instances of PII that need anonymising
£100* to anonymise 30 mins of footage (save more than £2k - £3k per 30 min video)
Roughly £2.5k spent in people costs
*Based on Secure Redact minimum subscription plan. The scenario assumes a medium-busy CCTV scene + video editing carried out by a Security Manager for 8 hours a day using traditional video editing software.
Full-year scenario: if you receive 20 DSARs (30 minutes each) per month for a year
Processing 10 hours of cctv video per month
With leading video editing software, this can take 240 - 360 days to redact, per month of video
Secure Redact gives a cost saving of £45k - £65k per month in people costs (over £500k a year)
“After only a bit of practice, I can redact and review a typical request in around an hour - taking only a quarter of the time I used to spend before.”
Here are 9 simple steps to tackle a DSAR with Secure Redact
Step 1: Inform internal stakeholders of the request (HR, Legal, Compliance where relevant).
Step 2: Verify the identity of the subject and authenticate the DSAR.
Step 3: Locate and collate all the relevant videos they appear in. This may mean identifying different camera streams.
Step 4: Upload the video footage to Secure Redact through our easy sign-up process (or via APIs).
Step 6: Review all the automatic redactions - untick any redaction where the data subject appears to make them visible in the final video.
Step 5: Our system automatically adds redaction boxes onto any faces, licence plates and other personal data.
Step 7: Download the redacted video for sharing with your data subject.
Step 9: Close the request.
Step 8: Respond to the applicant with the redacted video.