Keyboard shortcuts
To keep all the keyboard shortcuts visible in app, simply click the Keyboard icon.
Video Player shortcuts
Play/pause = SPACE or K
Go forward/backwards one frame at a time = < and >
Skip forwards/backwards 5 secs at a time = J and L
Change the playback speed = O and P
Mute the video while you edit = M
Zoom in/out = scroll with mouse
Pan while zoomed in = ALT/OPTION + drag with mouse
Timeline shortcuts
Skip to track start/end = ALT/OPTION + < or >
Review redacted audio = R
Toolbar shortcuts
Delete redaction box or track = backspace
Label = N
Split track = S
Tracker = T
Add a Zone (where a fixed area of the video is redacted) = ]
Redact audio = G
Inspector = I
Spotlight = H