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How to download your redacted video with Secure Redact

Redaction is a great way to protect any personal information and still use the data for your video needs: e.g. video analytics, training, or for Law enforcement.

Once you have reviewed and approved all the redactions in your video, you will need to download it for wider sharing and your own data storage. 

Can the redacted videos that are downloaded be “un-blurred”? 

They cannot. This is because when you redact/pixelate something, you set an area to be the same value or similar (i.e. the blurs) and this is a one-way process.

For example, if someone rolled a dice 5 times (with results 2,4,5,2,3) and the average of the 5 rolls was 3.2, there are many different ways of reaching 3.2 without knowing the exact rolls. This is what happens with pixels. The exact information is hidden within our algorithm, which produces a value which can be generated in many different ways - this means there is not enough information to rebuild the original image. 

Before you download your redacted video, it is a good idea to double-check when the last auto-save happened so you can be sure all of your recent changes have been backed up. Secure Redact autosaves every 10 seconds and you can view when it was last saved at the bottom of the Tracks panel.

Once you’re happy with the video and have made any necessary changes or corrections, you’re ready to redact and download the video. Click the “redact” button at the bottom of the Tracks panel. 

Secure Redact gives you options for the style of redaction - you can either choose “smooth” or “pixelated”, depending on how you want the final blurs in the video to look.

Additionally, if you click on the settings icon, it gives you the option to “redact audio”. 

If, for example, you are redacting body-worn footage for a DSAR or other sensitive footage, you might need to also remove any audio from the video. By checking that box, the sound will be removed from the final redacted video.  

Once you have chosen the type of redaction you want, you can then click “redact” to finalise those changes. You will see a progress wheel appear on the screen while the app consolidates the redactions. 

When the progress wheel is complete, the video player will show the finished redacted video. You can use the video controls to do one final review of your video - and you have the option to go back if you need to.

From here, click the “download” button - this will add the final redacted video to your downloads on your computer. 

There you go - you have your redacted video!

Watch the full how-to video below!