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How to quickly un-blur a specific individual in Secure Redact

If you need to quickly un-blur an individual from a video, then this functionality is for you. With this function, you can quickly un-redact someone for one version of your redacted video, and then re-redact them for another version of your video - for whatever reason, and for whatever level of security access. 

For example, if you are fulfilling a DSAR and are redacting body worn camera footage from a police camera, you may wish to un-blur the face of the person who made the request, and then create a similar version where only the suspect is visible. 

Don’t worry, Secure Redact makes this quick and simple.

First, you need to find the individual’s corresponding track in the Tracks panel. Their track is represented by their thumbnail in the Tracks panel on the right. A track is a consecutive set of redaction boxes that follows their face throughout the video, so that they can be blurred. 

To find the individual’s corresponding track, scroll through the Tracks panel using the Tracks panel scrolling arrows and/or page flick through options. 

You’ll notice that each track has a little tick box in the top left hand corner of each track’s thumbnail. This is also the case when you double click on a track to open the track’s individual track view. 

Once you have found the right track, simply untick the tickbox to un-redact the specific individual. This means that the individual will be visible and not blurred. 

To re-redact the individual, simply repeat this process and re-tick the tick box. Easy peasy! 

Couple of things to note about this function: 

  1. This is different to removing a specific track. By ticking/un-ticking the box, the track will still exist in the Tracks panel. If you untick the box, the fact that the track still exists in the Tracks panel will not affect your final video, and the individual will remain visible.  

  2. You may need to untick multiple tracks for the same individual if you want to un-blur them for the entirety of the video. This is only the case if they go in and out of frame, as new tracks are created when they re-enter the video frame. 

And that’s it! This is a quick and easy way of un-blurring someone and should save you time in redacting your videos quickly. 

Watch the full how-to video below!