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How to remove audio from your redacted video with Secure Redact

Whether you are a data processor or data controller, you may have GDPR obligations to fulfil including anonymising personal data. This could include muting a video for data sharing purposes, or to protect someone’s identity: e.g. footage relating to law enforcement or other scenarios where there is sensitive audio in the video. In these situations, you may find you need to remove the audio as well as blur faces.  

Secure Redact allows you to efficiently redact faces, license plates, videos, tattoos, and much more - including audio. Whether you need to edit CCTV footage, body worn camera footage, or live video, we have you covered. 

Whatever the case is, Secure Redact allows you to also remove audio from your video easily. 

How do I remove the audio? 

Once you are happy with all your visual redactions, click ‘Redact’ at the bottom of the Tracks panel.  There will be a pop-up with redaction options. When you click the settings icon, you’ll see the option to redact (i.e. remove) audio. 

Simply check the box and the audio will be removed in the final redacted video once you download it. 

Once you have done this, click “redact” to finalise those changes. Once the video has finished processing, you will see the final video in the video player. Here, you can play it back to double check your redactions. If you spot any errors in the video, simply choose the “go back” option to make any edits, and then repeat this process to remove the audio from the final redacted video. 

Once you press download, the audio will be removed!