Timeline overview

You can view all tracks in the timeline below the video player.

Drag the top of the timeline up and down to enlarge or minimise the timeline view.

Timeline chronology

The timeline is organised by the chronological order of tracks.

The white vertical line moves as the video is played, showing the point in time where the video player is playing.

Orange bars = Tracks

In the timeline, each track is represented by an orange bar.

The bar’s length shows how long a track is in the video, in relation to video seconds (seen at the top of the timeline).

When you click on a particular orange bar:

  • the orange bar will appear selected and turn blue,

  • the video player will jump to the point in time where you’ve clicked the orange bar, and

  • the corresponding orange box will be selected with a blue outline in the video player.


Each row represents one individual/object in the video player. Label rows to more easily navigate the Timeline.

You can drag and drop orange bars into different rows, so that all orange bars relating to one individual are in the same row.

Where Secure Redact is unsure what track relates to which individual or object, the track is put into its own row.

Row Tools

Click on a grey box to: label a row. This makes it easier to focus on one (or more) individuals or labelled objects in the video.

Pin a row to: Freeze it at the top of the timeline. When you scroll down in the timeline view, these pinned rows will stay at the top, making it easier to move and drag tracks around. This helps when reviewing the tracks for a specific individual or object.

Untick/Tick a box to: unredact or redact a row. All the tracks within that row will be unredacted whilst all everything else stays blurred.

Use the Filter/Search option to: go directly to specific rows and to see which rows are redacted, spotlight or labelled.

Arrows: Skip to the beginning and end of tracks.

  • Keyboard shortcut: ALT/OPTION + < or >

Audio row

The audio row allows you to selectively redact audio.

Review redacted audio

What will normally be heard will be muted, and what you’ve chosen to redact will be heard.

  • Keyboard shortcut: R

Visit here, for all the information on how to selectively redact audio.