Video privacy and security insights
Sector specific articles on industry best practices.
Up-to-date video privacy and security concerns, including AI, facial recognition, video surveillance and more - and the best ways to approach them.
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What is a passable level of video redaction?
When it comes to video DSARs, how are you supposed to know how much to redact? Do you blur all those small faces in the background?
Who can submit video DSARs?
We all know that DSARs can be submitted by everyone. DSARs may be common but how can you be sure that it is legitimate?
What are video DSARs?
Find out more about how to deal with video data subject access requests across all industries.
Here, there, everywhere: how omnichannel retailers can adopt the best data security and privacy approaches across stores
How can omni channel retailers harness the power of multiple platforms whilst making sure that data security and privacy are prioritised?
Retail shrinkage and staff abuse - is more video surveillance the answer?
Exploring CCTV and body-worn cameras in the retail risk environment, to protect inventory and safety of employees and customers.
Privacy concerns and mistrust towards video surveillance and facial recognition technology
In the UK, there are roughly 5.2 million CCTV cameras, with one for every 13 people, alongside other forms of overt surveillance like body-worn cameras, drones, ANPR, doorbell cameras, etc.
Attitudes towards AI: there remains a lack of trust and general awareness from consumers
Consumer attitudes towards AI are context-dependent, but there is an underlying feeling of mistrust and lack of awareness.
Consumers want social media companies to take more responsibility for data privacy and misinformation on their platforms
Social media is a global billboard for all individuals, and we choose what we put out there - but what does Big tech actually do with that data?
Unleashing the value of retail video data
Why protecting personal privacy is key to big business.
You’re a retailer with the big three: video surveillance, video analytics and GDPR to comply with. How can retailers responsibly manage all this video data, and use it to its full potential?
We asked 500 retailers what they do, and here’s the answer.